Thursday, December 30, 2010


Mungkin akan dapat sesuatu yang lebih menarik jika nak dapatkannya begitu susah. Semoga ganjaran di kemudian hari akan menggembirakan aku. Terima kasih.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Assalamualaikum. Saya ada satu pengumuman.


p/s: nak jadi follower dua2 pun boleh. saya tak marah ^_^

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ready to become a MILLIONAIRE

Social network and blog are new tools for interaction in this millennium. Previously people used email to send message but blog may help sender save lots of time to do so.

Here I try to give some tips for trafficking your blog.
1. Originality
Original contain makes people interested to follow and visit the blog again. Choosing layout, background, font size and style, colour and design may take a long time for you but this component may affect your reader and their interest to come back to your blog. Plagiarisms, copies other people writing and ideas without permissions are illegal.

2. Contest and Giveaway
Have you win anything through blogging? Not only using monetize and any other advertisement agencies like nuffnag, blog owner also can organize contest or giveaway (GA) for their reader. Birthday parties, anniversaries and any other occasions can be choose as your theme to organize GA. Malaysia Giveaway is a good platform for a beginner to start advertise your GA and make a good hits through it. Don’t forget to ask the contestant to link back to your blog as one of the rules. By the end, interaction between blog owner and the follower can be long lasting as well as your blog.

3. Widgets and plugins
Avoid using fancy gadgets and widgets as these interactive tools sometimes can be annoying to certain blogger. Professional and business purpose blogs usually add widgets that related or suitable with the blog contain such as currency converter or trading information.

4. Information

5. Blogwalking
Feel free to visit other blogs and make friends with them. You can track them by the same interest, your current location etc. Leave comments and positive feedback either through their chat box or posts.

Reviewed ^_^

Madam Sita had reviewed my blog this morning. Got many feedback from her and I received it with smile. Thank you for visiting my lil blog during your weekend. Have you found something interested or want a share anything with me? Feel free to drop your comment so I can improve my blogging skill.

Precious time can't be return by money

Salam. Good morning MONDAY!
Yes, Monday....try hard to not having Monday Blues...come on Lia, you are not working yet...just go to class and having fun, then, you will be paid...interesting right =_=v

I'm went to my hometown last weekend and got and phone call from my lil 3 years cousin....

Nain (9): Kakak kat mane ni?
Me : Kakak kat rumah
9 : Jom la balik kg atok Mon...9 balik kampung....

Take my tote bags, pack a little bit stuffs and went back to kampung.....

9 : Kakak tak sekolah ke hari ni?
Me : Tak.
9 : Cikgu tak marah?
Me : Cikgu bagi cuti

Hahahaha.....he know I'm on training right now and don't want his loving 'kakak' to miss her class. How cute you are.

Before I went back my home.
9 : Kakak, I want car (kereta mainan)
Me : Oh, did I promise to buy any for you?
9 : Ada, kakak janji nak belikan masa 9 telefon kakak.
Me : Ok

Openned up my car boot and take out 2 little cars.

Me: Ok, this one for you and the other one for your lil brother. You must share ok. If not, i won't buy any for you next time.
9: Ok boss!
Having my precious weekend with my lil 3 years cousin. Hope to see you next time!

Friday, December 3, 2010


15 800 000 websites found in 0.15 secs when Google 'Prodigy'
3 070 000 websites found when Yahoo! 'Prodigy'
Prodigy Clothing are clothing company started by Spencer Graves and Case Henrich in late 2008.

Prodigy Comminication Corporation was an online service that offered its subscribers access to a broad range of networked services

1 750 000 websites found in 0.07 secs when Google 'Infinite Creations'

2 650 000 websites found when Yahoo! 'Infinite Creations'

Infinite Creations is one of the web hosting company located in UK

Infinite Creations Graphics Services provides professional design services at affordable rates to small and medium-sized businesses. Located in Kent, Ohio, and service clients throughout the United States and beyond.


Spreading Love

1. When ur last post dear Lia~?
2. What are you doing now?
3. Where are you work now?
4. How about your life now?
5. When will u come and migrate in KL?

1. Yeah....lots of questions I got since I last login my blog. While I'm in my looooonnnggg holiday (not that too long, I think only 3 months! Oh my God, only 3 months? It's mean I'm not proactive this 3 months holiday) I luuurrvvee to blog walking and enjoy entering online Giveaways and Contest. And yes, I won once ^_^!

Moorah Rexeky? -can u pronounce it?-

2. When people asking me the next question (refer previous blablabla Q), now I can tell people, Yes, I'm working right now. Finally, I got my job and can answer those people.

3. Damn. Why people wanna ask this? Are they wanna know my status? Is it a big different if I said I'm working in Mydin Hypermarket and Setia Jaya Corporation? Do you think that I gain more profit if I'm working in big company? Come in people!! Company does not show my profit. How about if I tell you that I'm a manager in Mydin Hypermarket but I'm a cleaner in Setia Jaya Corporation. Is this can change your perspective? =.='' (too emotional.....hahahaha)

4. Life always change. As a designer, one day you are in the next day you may out (yup! Heidi Klum thought in Project Runaway. I love it!) One had told me before, ''Apa yang kita rancangkan untuk hari esok, tidak akan berlaku jika Allah tidak mengizinkannya''. So, I said that I have a good life now coz maybe tomorrow is not good as I'm today.

5. Hoyyaaaa...finally I'm back to KL. Attention to my buddies, please fetch me at my home for a cup of coffee and go for some shopping (I wish I could). Jom kawan2 kita hangout sama2 macam dulu...

Finally, I realize. People did't stop asking Q to us. When we were child, people will asked, "How old are u little cute girl?". When we were in school, they asked "How your school? Meet nice friend?". When we were in universities, they continue asked "When you will finish your study?". When we were finish studied, most common Q will appear, "Where are you working now?. Then peopple will keep asking you...When you get married, when you will get new babies, how many child do you have now, when your sons/daughters will get married, when you are going to be grandma/pa, when you are going to perform hajj....blablabla.....

And yes, people keep asking from our 1 day old until the end. We can't stop denied all Q perhaps we have to get ready will the A to satisfy them.

p/s: semoga kita semua akan MURAH REZEKI sentiasa....
my task for 3 months.
Welcome to BeST programme Dec 2010 intake

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saya Nak Beg Itu ~ Giveaway!

Mula 13/10/2010 (12am)
~ Jadi follower blog Superhero Mama & MZ Collections (DONE)
~ Copy & paste banner ke entry & sidebar beserta link (DONE)
~ Tajuk Entry : Saya Nak Beg Itu ~ Giveaway! sahaja (DONE)
~ Linkkan entry anda ke entry ini (DONE)
Tamat pada 03/11/2010 (12am)
Jom kawan2 kita join GA ni {sila klik sini}.
Mana tau dapat beg baru. Leh melaram g shopping nanti =D



Anda wajid menjadi follower blog Catatanku
Buat 1 entry berkaitan GA ini dan berikan pendapat anda tentang blog Catatanku ini.
Selepas itu,jangan lupa tinggalkan link penyertaan anda di entry ini.
Tarikh penyertaan bermula 23 sept - 23 okt 2010.
Hadiah akan di update nanti =)
Good luck n Thank You..
Assalamualaikum....ok entri ni nak join GA CATATANKU
pendapat tentang blog ni? menarik, senang nak baca (sbb bahasa kot, xde la macam bahasa diriku ini...)
ok lah pada kawan2 yg nak join GA ni, boleh la klik kat sini


QUEK...QUEK....QUEK....Wah entri kali ni ade itik kecil kuning....hye little duckling....
Sekarang ni owner FELTWISHES sedang mengadakan Giveaway...nak tahu hadiah2 menarik daripada owner? Cuba lihat bawah ni....

Comel kan cuppis and seteroberi ni? (saya aling admire ngan cupcake tu...nmpk delices gitu..)
Owner FELTWISHES ni xde minta syarat byk2...cuma jd follower je...entri ni pula sekadar nak promote blog dia yang byk dgn benda2 cumel....cuba la g tgk kat blog ni ye kawan2....
p/s: kakak owner FELTWISHES, saya join Giveaway ye....=D

Friday, October 15, 2010


Laaa....vogue ke aku ni nak join contest yg vogue ni?? ahahahaha....alaaaa lantak nak mencuba tak menjadi masalah. kan3? so untuk kali ni, gambar ape pula ye nak di cuba naseb (ape ayat ni? belit2 semacam jekkk...)

Para akak2, adik2, ibu2, auntie2 dan kawan2 perempuan sekalian, dengan ini saya mempersembahkan gaya tudung masa kini yang howt (howt ke?) lagi sensasi....


owh ye lupa nak bagi tau, saya yang berwarna merah menyala kebaboom la tu....hahahaha...ok2 dah penat merapu...! bye2!

p/s: mid-sayang owner, jgn lupa pilih saya jadi pemenang ye..^_^v


Bila contest ni bermula?
Dari 9 Oktober 2010 (Sabtu) hingga 9 November 2010 (Selasa) .

Siapa yang boleh join contest ni?
Contest ni terbuka untuk semua, tidak semestinya pelanggan shawlipop sahaja. Kami tidak akan bias ok!

Apa yang anda perlu buat untuk menyertai contest ini?
First, like kami di facebook (sila refer sidebar). Jika anda tiada facebook, sila jadi follower blog ini.

Second, pilih satu gambar (gambar anda menggayakan shawl) yang paling menarik dan sertakan dalam sebuah entri bertajuk shawlipop contest.

Third, sila letakkan link shawlipop di entri blog anda.

Easy. Tak perlu nak karang entri cecah lantai semata-mata nak menang contest ni. Korang hanya perlu tunjuk gambar yang dirasakan paling cantik dan menarik dan you will stand a chance to win something from NewZealand and United Kingdom, beserta sehelai shawl. Yang penting, mesti ada blog.Jumlah pemenang akan ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah penyertaan.

Gambar penyertaan yang akan diterima oleh kami:
Hanya yang bershawl sahaja, tidak kisah la fashion apa shawl gipsi ke, shawl corak, plain shawl, pasmina etc. tudung bawal tak boleh eh.

Gambar tu mesti nampak muka anda dan jelas. Anda mestilah beraksi solo. Gambar ramai-ramai tak boleh :p

So, sila bagi link entri penyertaan anda di kotak komen ini. Link di shoutbox tidak akan dilayan. Terima kasih.

Salam. Entry kali ni nak join contest anjuran SHAWLIPOP pula. Senang, x perlu nak letak link kat side bar (sory, sy x suke buat my blog ni heavy). Jadi, saya dengan berbesar hatinya mempertaruhkan gambar saya yang ini untuk tatapan SHAWLIPOP owner (cheewahhh..!) Kenapa saya suka pakai shawl? Sebab senang, x perlu beria2 sangat nak iron kalau nak keluar. Capai shawl, ambil brooch, less than 3 minutes dah siap. So, xdelah org bising2 nak kena tunggu bersiap..(ehem2 sape la tu yee..) Tak nk merapu panjang2, jadi ini lah gambar untuk SHAWLIPOP CONTEST kali ini.

Psstt! Kawan2 lain ambil la peluang ni ye. Mana tau ada rezeki boleh menang hadiah best dari SHAWLIPOP owner ni..^__^v

Friday, June 11, 2010

Talk tu ape?

Hari ni belajar benda baru lagi kat tempat praktikal. Belajar ape?? Imagemaster 2D Platinum 7.0 Software. Software ni digunakan untuk menganalisis gambar gel protein sebelum proses gel degradation. Benda baru untuk aku sebab belum pernah buat pun protein analysis. Lagipun talk ni free, so pegi je la. Walaupun sesi berikutnya macam g kelas instrumentation je......tapi sekurang-kurangnya aku tau gak ade techno2 baru yang jauh lebih canggih daripada yang aku belajar sebelum ni. Kesimpulannya, tak rugi langsung join talk macam ni. Next talk, 16 June 2010, FOOD AND TECHNOLOGY USING THE LATEST ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGY SEMINAR. Seminar separuh hari ni pun insyaAllah aku akan join gak. Peluang dah depan mata, buat ape nak lepaskan. Terima kasih pada Cik Hidayati yang cute sebab bagi info. Kalau kau x bagitau, memang sampai bila la aku x tau.

Part yang x bestnye, laptop aku x boleh nak install program ni. Puas dah cuba macam2 cara, tetap tak boleh gak. Tak compatible ini lah, x compatible itu lah. Banyak plak kerenah dia. kat mana silapnya pun x pasti.

p/s: jangan samapi aku beli laptop baru...kih3

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lia's blog return...~


Dah lama x layan blog...setiap hari melayan projek final sekarang ni pulak tengah intern kat serdang...kat mane?? kan dah citer kat bawah nie....nak isi masa lapang kat bilik, ni la yang aku buat....

ikan peliharaan ku di bilik...tinggal 3 ekor dari 4 ekor....^_^

p/s: mau bela rabbit la plak pasni...ade sape2 ade baka rabbit mate merah berbulu lebat...alahai cumelnye hunny bunny...!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Di sini ku bermula...

Away for several months (almost a year I think) for my bussssssyyyyy final year project. Now, I'm doing my practical in ABI (Agro-Biotechnology Institue Malaysia) di UPM Serdang (my last official task as UM student). Report duty 10 Mei lepas. Projek? Currently join Live Feed team. Totally different with what i'm doing for my final year project. Obviously, I did'nt learn about it before and I take it as a challenge.

Labmate? Nice....yes I'm very sure! All of them are very kind to me. They teach and encourage me to learn this new thing. Some of them from UPM (miss Ili and miss Feza), from UNISEL (miss Ainul), from UIA (miss Ninie as our RA) and from BeST program, miss Syud....Yeah!!....thank you for your kindness. (owh sorry! my supervisor also, mr azlan....ampun bos! forget to mention your name earlier)

Wanna know what i'm deal with???

Rotifer = plankton = Brachionus plicalitis

Nanno = Microalgae =
Nannochloropsis oculata

p/s: haiiyaaa...never heard all these before....